19th January 2025

Search Higham Ferrers Town Council

Serving the people of Higham Ferrers

Parks & Open Spaces

Higham Ferrers is fortunate in the amount of parks and open spaces that it has, being much better served than many other larger towns in the area.

Saffron Road Recreation Ground is well equipped as it contains Multi-Sport and Tennis Courts, Cricket and Football Pitches, Outdoor Gym Equipment, Skateboard Park and a Children's Play Area.

Castle Fields is situated in Kimbolton Road, with pedestrian access also being available from College Street and Midland Road, and contains the ancient Castle Coneygarth (rabbit warren), the remnants of a castle moat and the site of a motte and bailey castle all of which are part of an ancient monument.

Riverside Park is a pocket park situated at the lower end of Wharf Road and has the back channel for the River Nene passing through it, the river having been diverted by the construction of the A45 bypass. Fishing at the park is controlled by the Riverside Park Angling Club and is exclusive to their membership. The park is managed as a wildlife habitat and the council has negotiated a link through to the Kings Meadow Lane Estate.

Higham Ferrers Riverside Angling Association - The club manage the fishing rights at Riverside Park on behalf of the Town Council. Membership only---NO day Tickets issued. Please note we can now fish all year round on the Club Water. Strictly NO Litter is to be left by any Member. Junior Members welcome but must be with Parent or Guardian who also must be a member. Info about joining is here.

Stanwick Road Dogs off Lead Area Located off Stanwick Road the other side of the A6. Can be accessed on foot by a footbridge near Mallard Close

Higham Ferrers Town Green Located off Stanwick Road opposite the Dogs Off Lead Area, can be accessed on foot by footbridge near Mallard Close. The green is an under-utilised green space that can be accessed and used by all members of the public. Some on street parking is available on Stanwick Road.

Other Open Space Areas Managed by the Council, include the majority of the open space on the Kings Meadow estate (phases 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6), Nightingale Way estate off Station Road, William Steele Way and Bede Close, Bailey Court and Bates Close.

The Council is part of a Grounds Maintenance Consortium administered by North Northamptonshire Council. Turney Landscapes Ltd are currently contracted under the consortium to carry out our grounds maintenance work. The Council also undertake the cutting of the urban grass verges throughout the town on behalf of Northamptonshire Highways who provide a grant to the Council that assists with the cost for this.

Open Space on School Lane (to the front of Henry Chichele Primary School)

To address the common questions that are being asked of us regarding the area of land that was open to parents for parking at school drop off and pick up times we have produced FAQs at the linked page below. If you still have a query after reading these FAQs please do contact us and we will endeavour to answer your question and add it to them.

If there is an issue on any town council owned land with: weeds, grass, overgrown shrubs, hanging/broken branches, bins, litter, hedgelines, graffiti, vandalism or another problem please use our Green Spaces form to report it directly to the council.

Castle Fields

Castle Fields

Saffron Road Recreation Ground

Saffron Road Recreation Ground

Map showing location of Town Green and Dogs Off Lead Area

Map showing location of Town Green and Dogs Off Lead Area

Last updated: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:48