19th January 2025

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Serving the people of Higham Ferrers

Mayor of Higham Ferrers 2024-25

Mayor of Higham Ferrers 2024-25

The Mayor of Higham Ferrers for 2024-25 is Councillor Vijay Paul. Vijay will be accompanied to events by his partner, The Mayoress, Anita Paul. The Deputy Mayor for 2024-25 is Councillor Gary Salmon.

Cllr Vijay Paul's Mayor Making Ceremony took place on Monday 13th May 2024. Councillors and invited guests gathered in the Council Chamber to witness Cllr Paul take his oath and be declared the Mayor of Higham Ferrers for 2024-25.

"Good Evening fellow Chains, Cllrs, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am honored to be elected as the Mayor of Higham Ferrers for the 2024-25 tenure and intend to carry out my duties as the first citizen of Higham Ferrers with the respect, dignity and grace that the positions commands.

Having joined the council 5 years after successfully contesting a Bi-election with my colleague Cllr Barry Spencer in 2019, I took up the challenge to become a Town Councillor. The prospect of our first town council meeting was indeed a somewhat daunting experience, lots of new faces, processes, terminology and the fear of a bellowing voice shouting 'point of order' was enough to haunt me for a long time to come.

Since those early days, I have been involved in a variety of activities and projects at the Council, from Chairing the Planning and Development Committee, to be being stage manager at the Christmas Sparkle, and have gained a tremendous insight into the workings of a town and just how much responsibility is placed on the Council to champion best policies and deliver a harmonious town for our residents to enjoy for many years to come.

I will be joined and accompanied by my wife Anita as Mayoress, and I am sure that she will thoroughly enjoy spending even more time with me than she does already!

Together we will endeavor to raise funds for our chosen national charities, 'Crisis' to combat homelessness, and 'Men's Mind Matter' to tackle depression and suicide in young and middle age adult men, as well as many more local initiatives and valuable causes.

I would like to thank Cllr Nigel Brown as the outgoing Mayor and Lady Mayoress Jackie Brown, Nigel had a 2 consecutive year term from 2022-24 and was unfortunate not to have had the deputy mayor position to learn the ropes prior to this. Nevertheless he persevered, and represented our town with honor, he has left some very large shoes to fill, and I will do my best to carry on the traditions that he championed so well.

I will be attending as many social functions as I am able, and supporting as many causes as my calendar allows.

As I look around this room and see many familiar faces, I know that I will always have a guiding hand to steer me in the right direction and the help of the Town Council staff and my fellow Councilors. We have several events and fundraising endeavors being planned and hope to engage the interest of the entire town and wider audience. Higham Got Talent, Higham Means Business, Casino night, a Summer Bike Trail and any more events are all in the making and we are preparing for a great year ahead."

Councillor Vijay Paul

Mayor of Higham Ferrers 2024-25

Posted: Fri, 17 May 2024

Tags: Council Meeting, Mayor, Mayor Making